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Frost free tech stops ice building up in this Beko freezer and saves you having to defrost it
- Freeze your food 10% quicker and lock in all the good stuff with fast freeze 
Freezer Guard makes sure your freezer functions perfectly even if you put it out in your shed or garage
- The open door alarm will give you a friendly reminder if you forgot to close the door
- Put it anywhere you like - the reversible door opens from either side

BEKO FFG4545W Tall Freezer - White

  • 145.7 x 54 x 57.5 cm (H x W x D)

    Capacity: 177 litres

    No need to defrost with frost free technology

    Suitable for outbuildings

    Open door alarm warns you if the door is left open

    Temperature alarm warns you if the temperature rises

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