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Montpellier MCF140WLED 142 Litre Chest Freezer

Chest freezers are a simple and convenient solution for extra freezer space. Montpellier chest freezers are able to operate in ambient temperatures down to -15oC, meaning they are safe to use in outbuildings and garages throughout the whole year, including winter.

General Specification

This 142-litre capacity chest freezer by Montpellier comes with a storage basket, counter-balanced lid and easy clean interior.

It has an easy-to-use LED electronic control, recessed handle and no-frills design, so you get maximum storage for all of your frozen items without fuss.

It also has the added bonus of being able to switch from a freezer to a chiller, when you need that extra space for chilled goods rather than frozen.

Additional Features

This model also has Winter Safe -15°c technology which means the freezer is safe to use down to an ambient temperature of -15°c.

Montpellier MCF140WLED 142 Litre Chest Freezer

  • Guarantee

    For complete peace of mind, this model has a 2 year parts and labour guarantee.

    Dimensions H850 x W632 x D550

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